金 栢 電 子 工 程 公 司 (Golden park Electronic Co)




本公司銷售貨品包括有線無線防盜系統、閉路電視監察系統、大廈對講密碼電鎖、 指模及拍卡系統、有線無線遙控系統、遙控電動大閘系統、道路工程訊號系統、水泵自動控制系統、電子電機自動控制等.....。產品種類多元化,又有專為客戶度身訂做的設計服務,本公司的貨品價廉物美,深受各行家歡迎,一致享用。而且,本公司更提供一站式客戶服務,承接大小電子工程,由購貨至安裝,收費便宜、完工快,歡迎客戶致電查詢。




We "Golden park Electronic Co." specialize in selling Wireless Security System, CCTV System, Building Intercom Access Control System, Fingerprint and Smartcard Access control system, Remote Wireless Control System, Remote Motorized Get Control System, Highway Project Signal Control System, Pump Auto-Control System and etc. We provide Tailor-made service to our customers. It has resulted in our being able to offer our product at a considerably competitive price. Our products are popular with all Distributors. Moreover, our Company deliver One-Stop Station Service. We also accept any electronic engineering projects aim to offer the best price and complete it on time. You are most welcome to contactus for enquiry.



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